Tweak & Eat

Personal diet and healthy eating mobile app that lets you upload a photo of your meal to make an easy tweak with comments from a nutritionist in real-time and provides you with personalized meal plans.

Main Goal

Increase the average revenue per user (ARPU) and retention of the location-based creature catching mobile game “Mobbles


14% 22% 33%
Increase on engagement rate with triggered notifications Increase the registration rate Uplift on conversion with in-app offers

The Process

Step 1 : We did a complete app analysis to understand how users experience the Tweak and Eat process, so that we can prioritize decisions about how to improve and reach our goal.

UX Recommendations: 

Step 2: Support the client with the configuration of a CRM tool, define the taxonomy and the implementation of app events.


Step 3: Designing the new in-apps for the the tweak and eat membership and diet plans

In-app Results

14% ▲ increase on conversion rate 

Educate and remind new users of the app benefits

22% ▲ increase on registration rate

Send win-back message to users that not completed the registration

33% ▲ Uplift on conversion with offers

By sending win-back message after non-converting funnels